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Analog photography, Inks on silk, Printed silk

Omnia explores Emotional Intelligence. Communicating emotions in a healthy and loving way is more that just talking the same language. This ensemble illustrates many ways of translating feelings, communicating visions and desires, in the modern world. They are either with words, or through behavior. Some rely on imagination and fantaisies whereas others translate their feelings into tangible little gestures.


Silk twill is once again the main material for the paintings whereas silk chiffon is used as a new print medium for analog photographies. This choice supports the artist's approach : Wearing feelings, wrapping up with messages, sleeping on soft pillows of words, warming up with voices, mirroring emotions. 

"Pause solaire, haleine iodée, ondes dansantes,

reflets dorés, azur infini, rires et soupirs.

Petit Prince déchu dans ce désert mouillé où mes émotions se ramifient et les racines tissent des liens. Les branches s'affranchissent et flottent, projetant sur les roches des messages mystérieux, caressant le sable et tatouant d'ombres nos corps. Mousse bronze, galets ronds et peaux satinées texturisent la sieste rêveuse.

La musique de ton regard est silencieuse

tandis que j'oublie le timbre de ta voix et vibre dans tes bras."

Original poem written by the artist 

© 2021 by Emilie Marie

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